Monday, November 5

Mom, Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful woman in the entire planet. To the strongest woman I know, I love you and thank you for everything.

My mother is an awesome woman. Giving birth to 5 children, and a few miscarriages on the way. She has stood through all the rough storms and came out, though wet, even stronger. She is our bread winner. Using her intelligence, she made her way through society. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be where I am today. And I just don't mean that in terms of her financial help for college and everything. She was my inspiration. I did everything that I can so I wouldn't disappoint her. Here is a woman, who lost her mother when she was 15 and practically grew up alone, only to have a baby at 20 and live in a life of difficulties. But she made it through. My parents helped each other to achieve where we are now.

See? What right do I have to slack in school when I have hardworking parents who gave up everything they had for me and my siblings? What right do I have to shout back at them? What right do I have to not say thank you?

So everyday, I say thank you to God for giving me parents so wonderful. And to my mom, who have sacrifice so many things for us, her youth, her beauty, her happiness and her life, just to give us everything that we have now.

Mom, I love you, all your children do. You have never kept anything from us, we know what you've been through. When life punched you, you kicked it's ass. So thank you for making us strong, for keeping us grounded and for loving all our imperfections.

Happy Birthday queen B!