Saturday, November 3

Those Days

I miss the days that have gone by. Those moments of simple smiles and those that is extraordinarily special. Those days when we laughed so hard, we cried. Remember the sleepless nights? We talk so much we didn't even notice the sun was up.
I miss the days that have gone by. Like shadow, they walked pass through us, without us noticing them. Like old writings in the wall, they've faded slowly.
I miss the days that have gone by. I wish I could have said more. Maybe I should have laughed more. Maybe we should have held hands more, so our fingertips would linger longer.
I miss the days that have gone by. The fragments of memories of our days are getting hard to remember. Now you’re gone, and all I do is reminisce. I wish you well, so be free and fly. 

Wednesday, October 31

Dear Tales and Trails

Dear Tales and Trails,

It’s been quite a long time since I posted something here, my apologies. This blog’s purpose has been solely to share about the journey and adventure I am in right now. I have not updated you with how my life is right now.

I am currently in a happy state. I feel so blessed more than anything. I am working in an industry where I have always dreamt of. I feel that this job fell into my lap, with me not making so much effort. But of course, I did what I had to get this job. This is why I feel so blessed. Everything is falling into places with my life. As they say, I’m on my way. I hope that while I am enjoying this adventure that I will not step into anyone’s toes and if I do, let it be those that can forgive me.

I have become more comfortable with being away from home. I guess, this is because of my work that requires 10 hours of my time every day. And maybe because, after five years of not being at home, I have finally come into terms with the fact that before I can go home, I have to find myself first. And for me, finding myself requires me to be independent. Which makes perfect segue to my next update. I am finally financially independent. This job that I have pays well, thank God. Because of this, my parents don’t have to regularly send me money anymore. So yehey! Another child off their list J

But even though I am away from home, I still have a balance life with my family. I communicate with them constantly thru texts, calls and facebook. I am blessed to have very supportive parents and siblings. They have been there with and for me all throughout everything. They were the first people to pull me out whenever I am down deep.

My friends? We’ve been told time and again that they come and go, but it is only now that I have realized that this is in fact a truth. Some have gone away, some stayed. But I am happy, because my few precious friends are still with me. Another blessing, I am able to balance them despite the fact that we are in different groups. In the end, I believe that we can only have so much people around us, and so few, that really sticks with us. I choose my friends, and I never regretted with those whom I chose.

Family, friends and career, so is that it? Ah but yes, there is the love life. I’m sorry to disappoint, but I am still single and still so happy about it. As of the moment, I’d rather bloom my way in my line of work than bloom for someone. But who knows, life always surprises us.

Tales and Trails, we’ve been through a lot huh? Thank you for being there for me.



Written on October 12, 2012