My first post for this year is entitled, "An Unsent Love Letter." If you've read it, you would understand what it is about. It is about a desire of a memory and a pain kept hidden for so long. I just actually composed it just now and it is my gift to a few special friends of mine. Some people will never appreciate the piece of literature that I write, but my writings is a piece of my mind and heart, it is a piece of me. Although it may not have been the perfect gift for this Christmas or New Year for it did not speak of thanks, however, it does speak of love. And I know, someday, everyone would experience love, and then they would understand.
An hour from now and 1.1.11 is over. But before that, I would like to go on a trip down to memory lane of what has been last year.
Last year has been an amazing year for me. Many things have happened, there were many laughters, many tears and many firsts and probably some were lasts. This is the first time that I could honestly say that that year was mine. I remember last January 1, 2010, when I said, that 2010 would be my year. How long ago that seems and yet, seems like yesterday too. Yes, 2010 has been my year, but I realized that just because I've felt happy last year doesn't mean I couldn't own the next years coming. So yes, 2011 will be another year for me.
Let's see, if I would make a list of the top events of my life, both ups and downs, for 2010, it would be this.
1. Singapore and Indonesia trip.
- My first time outside the country was awesome. I'm lucky that we chose Singapore and Indonesia. It was a wonderful experience and because I love traveling so much, it inspired me more. I'd probably go to Thailand or Hong Kong by myself this year or next year, before I turn 21, coz that's in my list.
2. Summer Internship
- Doing my print and radio internship during summer was such an experience. I was lucky that it was election time. Being in the "general beat," was the best when it's election time. I get to be assigned to the press conferences of politicians, which means, free lunch! (hahaha) But the best part of the internship was making acquaintances and friends from the media and the all the things I learned from these people.
3. Cookout and Miss UP Experience
- What can I say about this one? Making a production isn't easy and pleasing people is difficult. But as usual, we girls didn't let anyone hold us down. We went for what we wanted and what we thought the audience wanted and made a bang. Plus, we were again controversial on this one. *winks*
4. Churbarbies Christmas Party
- With a barbie from Australia and having three people getting real in front of everyone, who wouldn't love this day? For the people who witness the laughters and the tears that was shared, this day will always be in our hearts and minds. This is also the day that I got a sprain in my knee cap. I won't probably be dancing in two or three months.
5. VMDC 4
- The second time I won 2nd Best Adjudicator for two consecutive years. When am I going to start debating again? This was also the time that I revealed my alter ego to the lucky ones who were in room 304. Of course, who wouldn't forget the prank that we pulled for Vince and Sam. The voice of Vince is still ringing in my ears as he say, "remove the bra." Funny memories. Lantugi, you're awesome, as usual.
6. The Horrific Dermoid Cyst
- This is probably the year's toughest challenge. When I received the news that my sister had a very large ugly cyst in her ovaries, it just broke my heart. I was imagining how my parents were coping with it. And of course, the pain that my younger sister is probably enduring at the moment. The family was complete for one weekend to show support to the youngest sibling. I would't post a picture coz it would give you nightmare.
7. The Gothic Themed Party
- The reason why this is on my list is because of the after math of this event. Honestly, I had fun during the event. The food was ok, the program was great and we thought that all the first years were a sport, guess not. So anyway, the after math. Hmmm. Let's just say it added to the list of controversial things that the Churbarbies Sorority has done. Yeah, coz we're that notorious. We've been accused of so many things but this one takes the icing of the cake to a whole new level.

8. Date Night
- My date night with my date buddy, Mai-Mai is one of the few things that 2010 gave me as a gift. The one night that I look forward to is talking to a gorgeous woman with things that actually matters in life. The one who brought me closer to the Almighty and has been my support system. I love you mai. Unfortunately, we don't have photos.
For now, this is the memories that I want to share to the world. But a lot of painful memories of 2010 is hidden inside me, some I can't even share.
2010 was great, and these events, no matter how difficult it was or how euphoric it was, proved it.
I'll face 2011 with more optimism, because this time, I know that the Lord is within me.