Sunday, December 30

Summer of Grace

Dear Summer,

I know it's been a long time, a very long time. My apologies for forgetting. 

You have given me an awesome one, Summer. I enjoyed a few more moments with you and I got a job as you end. It was then that I realized that even though I will be unable to enjoy you the way I have in the past, you of all seasons, bring me the best of lucks. 

Only a few days before I will experience that powerful moment of leaving this year and going into a new one.  I have realized that I have changed and the world have changed for me. I now see things differently. My innocence has been taken by the harshness of the real world, though grace and purity still lies inside of me. 

It is not easy. Friends drift apart and people come and go. I meet new people and reconnect with old friends. People do surprise you, or maybe, the universe surprise you. You get a new meaning when you wake up early in the morning and go home late because of work. And the routine that I hate most has become a part of me. 

I constantly find myself stuck. I am stuck with the same people, stuck with my work and stuck on a special person. Not that I am ungrateful of these. Being with the same people gives you a certain familiarity, they feel like home in a warm sunny day. I am only thankful that in times of these crazy emotions, I know I can run to someone. 

Ah, but of course I mean a friend, a very good friend of mine. In the course of this year, I have also realized that love for thyself and for others is important. It is only when one love thyself can they truly love others, even if it hurts. And I mean this in a very platonic way. The last six months have been challenging for me, but of course, it wasn't Summer, and I have nowhere to escape anymore when June comes. 

So many heartaches this year but looking at the bright side, so many opportunities also opened up. There is only one thing that the world would ask from you, TIME. This is what you have to sacrifice in order to get where you want to be. You lose the time for your friends, for your family and even for yourself. This has come to my attention, and I have realized this a bit too late. In 2013, I have decided to spend my time wisely. 

But I think I'm writing too much. Summer, I wish I could crawl back in to the beach and lie in the sand, just enjoying the warm sunshine in my skin. Oh how I long for the summer wind to take me away. I'll see you again until then, I shall live life to the fullest.

Friday, November 30

Review: Will Grayson, Will Grayson

I fell into the young adult novel bandwagon when I first read Perks of Being a Wallflower. I realized that I absolutely love books with theme of finding oneself because in some way or another, I can relate to it.

I first read John Green based on a recommendation by a friend who urged me to read The Fault in Our Stars. Well, the title already persuaded me. Believe me, I’m such a sucker for good titles. The Fault in Our Stars was a very good book; it made me both cry and laugh. And so, because Green was good in this book, maybe he is a good writer after all.

 So I read, Looking for Alaska, and boom, not a disappointment.

And so, this is the start of my quest to read all John Green books. I came about Will Grayson, Will Grayson, a collaboration of John Green and David Levithan. And I tell you, this far is my favorite book from Green.


One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two teens—both named Will Grayson—are about to cross paths. As their worlds collide and intertwine, the Will Graysons find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, building toward romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history’s most fabulous high school musical.

The story revolves around two high school kids, same name, with totally different lives. One unexpected night, in a porn store, they met each other. And this forever changed their lives. Somehow, it is a love story, but not entirely. The book tells us about denial, accepting, rejection, unrequited love and platonic love.

I am glad that this book simply tells the story of normal high school kids, all of whom are finding their selves with the help of their circle of friends. Each of the characters stories are well woven in a binding story that leaves a mark on your heart. Even the “best friends” of the characters have stories of their own that made this book more refreshing than it is.

I absolutely fell in love with this book because: it is funny, it is well written by both authors, it is simple and yet realistic, both Will Graysons are great and Tiny Cooper.

The quotes of the books were all great. J I cannot believe that I kept on posting in my facebook and twitter the quotes of this book.

I highly recommend this book. Laugh and cry with Will Graysons, and then feel proud of them. The original Will Grayson who chose his best friend and the Will Grayson who accepted himself.

Great book is great!

Let me offer you a view with all these awesome quotes:

“You like someone who can't like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot. ” 

“When things break, it's not the actual breaking that prevents them from getting back together again. It's because a little piece gets lost - the two remaining ends couldn't fit together even if they wanted to. The whole shape has changed.”  

“I do not say 'good-bye.' I believe that's one of the bullshittiest words ever invented. It's not like you're given the choice to say 'bad-bye' or 'awful-bye' or 'couldn't-care-less-about-you-bye.' Every time you leave, it's supposed to be a good one. Well, I don't believe in that. I believe against that.” 

“This is why we call people exes, I guess - because the paths that cross in the middle end up separating at the end. It's too easy to see an X as a cross-out. It's not, because there's no way to cross out something like that. The X is a diagram of two paths.” 

“i will admit there's a certain degree of giving a fuck that goes into not giving a fuck. by saying you don't care if the world falls apart, in some small way you're saying you want it to stay together, on your terms.” 

“Being in a relationship, that's something you choose. Being friends, that's just something you are. . . [But] I do pick you. . . We've been friends too long to pick, but if we could pick, I'd pick you.” 

“need is never a good basis for any relationship. it has to be much more than that.” 

that's it - hundreds of texts and conversations, thousands upon thousands of words spoken and sent, all boiled down into a single line. is that what relationships become?” 

“You know what’s a great metaphor for love? Sleeping beauty. Because you have to plow through this incredible thicket of thorns in order to get to beauty, and even then, when you get there, you still have to wake her up.

 maybe there's something you're afraid to say, or someone you're afraid to love, or somewhere you're afraid to go. it's gonna hurt. it's gonna hurt because it matters.”  

Wednesday, November 28

The Beauty of Unrequited Love

I’ve fallen for you. I don’t know how or when it happened, I just did. I fell hard and no one was there to catch me, not even you. But that’s okay, that’s what I get for devoting a piece of my heart to someone who can’t even looked at me the way I looked at him.
It might have happened the first time you smiled at me. Or maybe that one time when you looked so concern when I almost lost my balance, you were there to catch me then. I don’t know, I can’t be sure now. But I did fell for you, and I do like you. I like you very much.
I want you to stand in the ocean. See that? That’s how much I like you, maybe even bigger and wider than the sea.
I want you to dance in the rain. Feel that? That’s how silly I feel when you’re around me, but it always makes me happy, always.
I want you to watch Somewhere in Time. Got that? I will go back in time if I can and have that moment with you.
Have you heard of the song I Will? No? How about this:
Who knows how long I’ve loved you?
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely lifetime?
If you want me to I will.
So yeah, if you want me to, I will wait for you. This song might sound sad when it starts, but it’s actually a really happy song. 
I love you forever and forever
I love you with all my heart
And really, it is a song about waiting for the right person. And yes, I am waiting for the right person and I’m hoping it is you.
But I know, we have to face reality. You and I? Might never happened. But I guess that’s the beauty of unrequited love, it grows even when it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. It grows in a way that once-requited love cannot. Yes, I read that somewhere. And I can actually say, that much is true.
Can you imagine? Liking someone for so long. Devoting so much of oneself to someone who doesn’t even care. Now that is love, unrequited that is.
I daydream all the time. There would be this one time that you’d suddenly ask me out for coffee, we talk, you realized how much in common we have, you ask me out again. And that’s how we start our love story. 
Or maybe we got stuck in the rain. We talk, we laugh and we dance in the rain. You realized you like me, you ask me out. And that’s how we start our love story.
So many scenarios, none of them may even happen. But these thoughts actually make me happy in a way that people who have never felt this way will never be able understand. Like they say, wishing and dreaming is free after all.
I read once that when you wish exactly at 11:11, you’re wish will come true. I wished for you. :)
But I know, these things will never happen. So let me be with them. Don’t try to act like you care, because it’ll only make me fall harder. Don’t try to make me feel special, because it’ll only hurt me. And don’t say “we’re just friends,” because that much I know. 
I like you, I might even love you, but know this, I know where I stand. You’ll always be the guy I’ve devoted years of my life, without you even noticing. But that’s fine, I chose this. I chose you. Or rather, my heart did. 
And you know what, you’re so vain you probably think this blog is about you.

Disclaimer: This is just some random rant.  

Monday, November 26

Imperfect to Perfect Escapades

One fine day, my close friend called me up. Like what we usually do, we say hi, hello and asked how each other is. Of course, there is always something to rant about!

We both decided we needed a break. She was having a rough time and I was being too emotional with many things. Bottom line is, we were both having crap in our lives we just needed to breathe in and out. Suggestion came flying in and we finally settle on going to Moalboal. We both love the beach and my god, it'll be so relaxing to just lay around the beach all day. We set the date, it'll be on November 17.

You cannot believe how so much things can happen in a span of three to four weeks. We almost never got the break we deserved. But I pushed her into doing it and we ended up in a perfect escapade. :)

We realized that Moalboal is too far away and it's a little expensive. So we ended up going to Crimson Resort. I absolutely loved that day! Just the two of us, taking a nap in the beach, swimming with fishes, eating food, and living the resort life!

That was the break I needed, and she needed. But wait, we're not yet done. We promised to do something on February. I wonder where we're going, but definitely out of Cebu!

Yey to good friendships and imperfect escapades!

The beautiful view of the pool

Traditional vanity shot near the pool :)

With the good/great/best friend.

The view from our lounger, the beach is beautiful!

Tuesday, November 13

Fitness Buff??

I was never skinny and the truth is, I never dreamt to be one. I have attempted losing weight a lot of times, but none of them really worked. I think because I lack determination. 

Last Saturday, I enrolled myself in the gym. I was about to make an excuse to a friend who suggested it, but I told myself that I need to do this. And before I changed my mind, I told my friend that I will be seeing her in the gym that day. And so, the journey starts. 

I will not promise that this will last, because honestly, I am not yet ready to make that commitment to myself. I know, why am I doing this if I can't even commit it, right? But c'mon, I work 10 hrs a day, I barely have time to relax at home and I often sleep early because I have to work again early the next day. That is my routine. 

Today was my first time to go to the gym from work. I told myself that I had to bring my gym clothes and things to work with me, because if I don't, then I will never be able to go to the gym. If I have decided to go home before going to the gym, that would have been the end of it. There are too many temptations at home, there is the laptop, the bed, the bed, the bed. You know what I mean. So far, it was okay but it really is tiring. I am still trying to figure things on how this will work out. I am hopeful to keep this lifestyle. I intend to do it on a long term basis. 

My diet? I don't have a specific diet yet. I try not to eat pork anymore and not eating much for dinner. I am keeping a food diary where I can write what I ate. Studies show that people who keep food diaries are more likely to lose weight. So this is a start. Why I don't have a diet yet? Again, I work 10 hours a day, I don't know where I can insert my dinner and I really have no idea what to eat before going to the gym. I don't want to eat just anything. I want to eat light, but I always think that I might passed out in the gym. So yeah, I need to research this. Trial and error is the key. So my diet needs to be more specific and more planned. I hope to do a diet plan for myself in a month's time. Quite long, I know, but like I said, I'm still trying to work things out and understanding everything. I don't want to jump in another diet wagon just because it worked on Kate Middleton or Britney Spears. I need research, hello!

Why am I doing this? For my health. I want to be more fit. I want to be able to run 3kms without hurting myself. I want to be able to go into a crowd without having my anxiety attacks. But let's not kid each other, why of course I want to fit in small sizes. Of course, I want to look good. Of course I want to be 50lbs lighter. Of course, these are just some reasons. I will not lie, other than health purposes, I also want to look good for myself. The confidence that I will have! Imagine!

Let's stay fit everyone! 

Monday, November 12

Admit it

Everybody wants to be loved. I want to be loved. But just because you want it, doesn't mean you get it. Sometimes, you need to wait. You get lonely sometimes, admit it. However, at the end of the day, you smile because you know good things comes to those who wait.

Some things aren't meant to be in this world. You get your heart broken, admit it, you get bitter and sour about it. But if you believe in meant to bes then you have to believe in not meant to bes too. Close your eyes, you are where you are now because of what you have done in the past. If you want to push forward, move on, let go, swim over the water and burn the bridge down. Don't ever look back. Just continue walking, and someday, when you do look back, you can smile because you know, you have moved on. 

Made a mistake? Apologize for it. Apologize to the one you hurt and forgive yourself for it. It is not easy to forgive, and that is why forgiveness is a gift for the strong. Owe up to your mistake, stand up, sincerely say sorry. Move on. Learn from it. Don't let it happen again. But c'mon, admit it, it will happen again, not because we didn't learn from it, but sometimes, life just throw us a curve ball.

Thinking of going to the beach? Go and enjoy the sea breeze. Relax, reflect and be happy at the beach. Water is a mysterious element, it is very destructive, but it is also the element of peacefulness and serenity. Learn to love water. Relax in it, go swim in it, know it and let it take over you. Let's admit it, who doesn't love going to the beach?

Confuse with life? Get confuse. Nothing is wrong with not knowing what to do. The important thing is you don't go astray. Know what is right and wrong, stick to the right because it will lead you to the right path. Let yourself be lost, because in order to find yourself, you have to be lost first. Admit it, being lost can be quite fun too.

Let yourself go once in a while. Have fun, but always know that it has limitation. Excess but in control, remember that. Just admit everything to yourself, don't deny any emotions. Be sad if you're sad. Be happy if you feel happy. Be lonely if you have to. Remember, it is these emotions that makes us human. 

Monday, November 5

Mom, Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful woman in the entire planet. To the strongest woman I know, I love you and thank you for everything.

My mother is an awesome woman. Giving birth to 5 children, and a few miscarriages on the way. She has stood through all the rough storms and came out, though wet, even stronger. She is our bread winner. Using her intelligence, she made her way through society. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be where I am today. And I just don't mean that in terms of her financial help for college and everything. She was my inspiration. I did everything that I can so I wouldn't disappoint her. Here is a woman, who lost her mother when she was 15 and practically grew up alone, only to have a baby at 20 and live in a life of difficulties. But she made it through. My parents helped each other to achieve where we are now.

See? What right do I have to slack in school when I have hardworking parents who gave up everything they had for me and my siblings? What right do I have to shout back at them? What right do I have to not say thank you?

So everyday, I say thank you to God for giving me parents so wonderful. And to my mom, who have sacrifice so many things for us, her youth, her beauty, her happiness and her life, just to give us everything that we have now.

Mom, I love you, all your children do. You have never kept anything from us, we know what you've been through. When life punched you, you kicked it's ass. So thank you for making us strong, for keeping us grounded and for loving all our imperfections.

Happy Birthday queen B!

Saturday, November 3

Those Days

I miss the days that have gone by. Those moments of simple smiles and those that is extraordinarily special. Those days when we laughed so hard, we cried. Remember the sleepless nights? We talk so much we didn't even notice the sun was up.
I miss the days that have gone by. Like shadow, they walked pass through us, without us noticing them. Like old writings in the wall, they've faded slowly.
I miss the days that have gone by. I wish I could have said more. Maybe I should have laughed more. Maybe we should have held hands more, so our fingertips would linger longer.
I miss the days that have gone by. The fragments of memories of our days are getting hard to remember. Now you’re gone, and all I do is reminisce. I wish you well, so be free and fly. 

Wednesday, October 31

Dear Tales and Trails

Dear Tales and Trails,

It’s been quite a long time since I posted something here, my apologies. This blog’s purpose has been solely to share about the journey and adventure I am in right now. I have not updated you with how my life is right now.

I am currently in a happy state. I feel so blessed more than anything. I am working in an industry where I have always dreamt of. I feel that this job fell into my lap, with me not making so much effort. But of course, I did what I had to get this job. This is why I feel so blessed. Everything is falling into places with my life. As they say, I’m on my way. I hope that while I am enjoying this adventure that I will not step into anyone’s toes and if I do, let it be those that can forgive me.

I have become more comfortable with being away from home. I guess, this is because of my work that requires 10 hours of my time every day. And maybe because, after five years of not being at home, I have finally come into terms with the fact that before I can go home, I have to find myself first. And for me, finding myself requires me to be independent. Which makes perfect segue to my next update. I am finally financially independent. This job that I have pays well, thank God. Because of this, my parents don’t have to regularly send me money anymore. So yehey! Another child off their list J

But even though I am away from home, I still have a balance life with my family. I communicate with them constantly thru texts, calls and facebook. I am blessed to have very supportive parents and siblings. They have been there with and for me all throughout everything. They were the first people to pull me out whenever I am down deep.

My friends? We’ve been told time and again that they come and go, but it is only now that I have realized that this is in fact a truth. Some have gone away, some stayed. But I am happy, because my few precious friends are still with me. Another blessing, I am able to balance them despite the fact that we are in different groups. In the end, I believe that we can only have so much people around us, and so few, that really sticks with us. I choose my friends, and I never regretted with those whom I chose.

Family, friends and career, so is that it? Ah but yes, there is the love life. I’m sorry to disappoint, but I am still single and still so happy about it. As of the moment, I’d rather bloom my way in my line of work than bloom for someone. But who knows, life always surprises us.

Tales and Trails, we’ve been through a lot huh? Thank you for being there for me.



Written on October 12, 2012

Tuesday, May 8

21 and Young

So I just turned 21 a week ago. How does it feel? It literally feels like nothing. Nothing has happened. I didn't get a sudden epiphany of what I should do with my life. I didn't suddenly gain knowledge of the world, much more myself. Nothing really, it felt like any other day. But it wasn't any other day, because that day turned out to be my 21st year in the world.

Back when I was younger, as in 10-ish, being 21 seemed old. But now I'm here, and I ain't old, in fact, I'm young! Young at heart and at mind.

My ever good friends from college surprised me with a cake, a bouquet of flowers, balloons and their efforts. It was the first time I was ever "surprised." So how did it happen?

Sheena texted me, saying she needed to talk to me asap. I was in Manila then and told her I'd be back by Thursday (April 26), so she asked to meet up on Friday at one of our favorite restos, Shakey's IT Park. I went there, but I kinda have an inkling of an idea already (feeler much?) But their efforts still surprised me. It was an early birthday celebration as my birthday is not until Monday, April 30.

I don't know, it was joyous. :) I first decided to celebrate my birthday here in Cebu with friends, but upon looking at the calendar and thorough contemplating, I decided to go back home. By Saturday, I was home already with my family.

My family and I did the usual, we went out for dinner. We celebrate birthdays like that, simple but intimate. Though I wish my three other siblings were there, it was only my parents, me and my eldest sister.

Moving on, I remember I made a "to do list," before turning 21. And I tell you, I wasn't able to do all of them. But then again, maybe its not about doing everything in the list, but the fact that you have things you want to do in life is enough. I would still want to do those things, even when I'm 80. If I can do them, why not?

I would like to thank my friends for making my birthday extra special this year. :)

Saturday, March 10

The Red Dream

One of those things that got lost along the way.

The Red Dream 

The sunlight blinded John as he tried to cover his eyes. He looked around, figuring out where he was. He could clearly see the endless blue sky above him. On his side, he sees tall buildings. Where was he, he thought. He looked around again before realizing he was in the rooftop of his old office building. He thought about why and how he got there, but he couldn’t remember. On his back was the door, he tried to open it but couldn’t. Strange, he thought. He used to come up here for a cigarette break but he had quit smoking long ago.

John took a step forward for a better view of the rooftop. Like any other rooftop, it was hugely white space. The railings were painted white; build to prevent anyone from falling. There at the right most part of the railing was someone.

She was wearing a ruby red hooded coat, gleaming over the sunlight. The coat was similarly fashioned to those of the medieval times, one that would remind you of the story of the Little Red Riding Hood. She just stood there, looking at the horizon.

John felt nervous for some reason. He didn’t understand why, but he felt like he knew her. She turned her head and John had to take a small gasp. Her face was pale but beautiful. She had big emerald green eyes; her lips were red but a lighter shade than that of her coat.

John was amazed by the beauty before him, once he was passed that, he realized what he was looking at. She was beautiful, very beautiful but she was also very sad, her eyes showed it. Her eyes that pierced through his and he couldn’t understand all the sorrow in it. She just stood there looking at him, her lips quivering a little. The strangest part was when her sad eyes turned to a pleading one. She needed help, John thought. He tried to ask her if she was ok, but no words escaped him, his mouth didn’t open. He didn’t know how long they were standing there.

She turned his head back to the horizon for a moment before looking at him again. She motioned her hand to her hood, and her hood fell from her head. Though he couldn’t see it, John knew that her jet black hair was long, like it fell to her hips. It was a little curvy and it made her more beautiful than ever. She looked at him again, those pleading eyes sliced through his heart.
 He woke up in the dark. He was nervous and excited. He turned his lamp light on and started reaching for his cane. His 74 year old hand found its way to a crooked wooden cane. He lifts himself up from his bed. His room was enough for one person. It had a bed near the window. On its right were a small table and then a book shelf. Then at the other corner, a big wooden chest was sitting. He specifically put it there to conceal it every time the door opens. He slowly reached the wooden chest.

John was excited, after all these years he finally figured out where he has seen the woman of her dreams. She has long abandoned his dreams but tonight was different. For the first time, she showed him her long beautiful hair and he saw emotions on her face. He couldn’t pin point it before, but now he knew where he had first gazed on those beautiful emerald eyes.

He opened the chest and it was filled with many important memories from his past. He was a man of attachment. He knew that somewhere in his chest was his very first watch his grandfather gave him or the book his childhood friend gave him. He had kept all those memories to remember the people in his lives. He dug his way on all the memorabilia inside. His diary was there, the only one he ever written on; the diary that were filled with memories of her. He called her Emerald because of her green eyes but he never really knew her.

His hands felt a worn leather notebook which he immediately pulled away from the chest. He walked his way to his table as he felt his fingers touching the leather. As he sits down, he thought of his obsession of the girl in his dreams and all those years she had haunted him.

“Why?” he whispered to himself.

He couldn’t remember the last time she visited him in his dreams. He never forgot her, oh no, he just stop caring. There were times when sometimes he would just daze out and all he thinks about is her. But now, his youth have escaped him, why did she come back? He asked himself. She even bears gifts, her long jet black hair and the knowledge that has been a mystery to him for almost all his life.

He has finally found her. He knew that once he opened the old leather notebook, a new mystery will unravel. 

Stuff No One Told Me

I have been on the internet for a few years now, and it still amazes me the stuffs you find in there. The internet is like a universe, mysterious and unending. There’s a lot of nonsense in the internet, but there are also a lot of sensible things.

About a year ago, I discovered the meme phenomena. For those of you who aren’t “internet savy,” memes are ideas that are spread through the internet. They are usually in the form of pictures and videos. Here’s an example, if you see a photo of someone famous, say for example Barack Obama, and the photo shows a certain caption that is funny but directly relates to the expression or how the photo is taken, that is a meme. But there are so many other memes out there.

So anyway, while I was browsing through the net, I came upon this blog, “Stuff No One Told Me,” by someone named Alex Noriega. He is a young fella living in Mozambique. At some point in his life, he went through a crisis, and decided to create a blog that features comics he created about stuff no one told him about.

I don’t think I can ever explain his comics through words, so allow me to show it to you visually and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.

I have three personal favorites. First, the comic on the concept of “Fun is Relative.” I am attached to this comic because I personally enjoy a good book. I could go on for hours devouring words and creating a world based on those words. Fun is relative and I hope that everyone respect that. Just because some people won’t enjoy hard core partying, doesn’t mean they’re not having the “fun in their life.”

To challenge yourself every day, even if it’s just a little bit is my next favorite. My roomate and I have this white board pin in the wall. Every day, the two of us take a turn in writing something inspirational on it to motivate the other. At the same time, we challenge each other to do better every day. So I really hope that counts. But if it doesn’t, maybe I can write a goal list every day and make sure I reach all those goals at the end of each day. Still a challenge.

Lastly, I find the quote “your salary doesn’t determine how good of a person you are,” so true. Donating your money to charity doesn’t automatically make you good; it just goes to show you have extra money to give those who are in need. Becoming a better person needs more than just money. You become a better person when you realize that not everything in this world revolves around money.

These thoughts, they aren’t actually news. But what makes these quotes and comics something is the fact that it comes from a person who has been struggling and has finally seen the light. He has realized that in this world, nothing is what it seems it is.

You can visit Mr Noriega in his blog, for more of his interesting comics.

Sunday, January 22

The Longing

And so the journey begins, was what I told myself the day I took a boat to Cebu to report to my first real job. It has been four months since I said those words and yes, the journey has indeed begun. Cebu has become my second home. But after five years of staying here, I still can’t truly say that I am a Cebuano. I chose to base in Cebu for the opportunities that I will never grab much more find in my hometown.

The day I left home, I didn’t know where life would take me. Will I ever come back home, not for a vacation, but truly to come home? I still don’t know the answer. But there is a certain power that twines me to my hometown, an unbinding spell that would always make me miss it.

Whenever I go home, I would always hear distant laughter of my past, smell a scent of my childhood summer and a flash of far-away memories. This is my home, this is where I grew up and this is where I shall rest when the time comes.

There were moments when I felt confused, happy, glad, alone and sad when I realize that I have become independent. I long for the comforts of my parents, the unique scent of my room, the dogs I so truly love and the sisters I have grown fond and close to.

Tonight, I was with my friends. They were all like me, freshly independent and naïve. We were having the best time of our lives, and why not? We finished college, have good jobs and we’re young! Oh we are young! We talked about the past, the present and the future. We talked about our dreams and our goals. We laugh for present, cheers to the future and weep for the past.

Deep inside, I know, every one of our smiling faces had worries inside. Will I ever reach my goals? Will my dreams ever come true? Will I ever be successful in my field? Where will life take me? Yes, we are young, but we had full of questions as well. But at the end of the day, we go home, we find our families smiling at us and we say, “this is what makes life worthy.” But I don’t have that. I go home to my room alone. And when the nights go deep, my roommate comes home, we talked, we laugh but it isn’t the same.

I don’t have my sanctuary of peace, of love and of safety. However, this is the life I chose. I chose to be independent and it’s going to suck for a few years but sooner or later, I’ll be fine. I can’t explain it, but that feeling when you go home after so long is one of the best feelings in the world. Home to me is not just a word or a noun; it’s a feeling I’m lucky to have.