Wednesday, November 28

The Beauty of Unrequited Love

I’ve fallen for you. I don’t know how or when it happened, I just did. I fell hard and no one was there to catch me, not even you. But that’s okay, that’s what I get for devoting a piece of my heart to someone who can’t even looked at me the way I looked at him.
It might have happened the first time you smiled at me. Or maybe that one time when you looked so concern when I almost lost my balance, you were there to catch me then. I don’t know, I can’t be sure now. But I did fell for you, and I do like you. I like you very much.
I want you to stand in the ocean. See that? That’s how much I like you, maybe even bigger and wider than the sea.
I want you to dance in the rain. Feel that? That’s how silly I feel when you’re around me, but it always makes me happy, always.
I want you to watch Somewhere in Time. Got that? I will go back in time if I can and have that moment with you.
Have you heard of the song I Will? No? How about this:
Who knows how long I’ve loved you?
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely lifetime?
If you want me to I will.
So yeah, if you want me to, I will wait for you. This song might sound sad when it starts, but it’s actually a really happy song. 
I love you forever and forever
I love you with all my heart
And really, it is a song about waiting for the right person. And yes, I am waiting for the right person and I’m hoping it is you.
But I know, we have to face reality. You and I? Might never happened. But I guess that’s the beauty of unrequited love, it grows even when it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. It grows in a way that once-requited love cannot. Yes, I read that somewhere. And I can actually say, that much is true.
Can you imagine? Liking someone for so long. Devoting so much of oneself to someone who doesn’t even care. Now that is love, unrequited that is.
I daydream all the time. There would be this one time that you’d suddenly ask me out for coffee, we talk, you realized how much in common we have, you ask me out again. And that’s how we start our love story. 
Or maybe we got stuck in the rain. We talk, we laugh and we dance in the rain. You realized you like me, you ask me out. And that’s how we start our love story.
So many scenarios, none of them may even happen. But these thoughts actually make me happy in a way that people who have never felt this way will never be able understand. Like they say, wishing and dreaming is free after all.
I read once that when you wish exactly at 11:11, you’re wish will come true. I wished for you. :)
But I know, these things will never happen. So let me be with them. Don’t try to act like you care, because it’ll only make me fall harder. Don’t try to make me feel special, because it’ll only hurt me. And don’t say “we’re just friends,” because that much I know. 
I like you, I might even love you, but know this, I know where I stand. You’ll always be the guy I’ve devoted years of my life, without you even noticing. But that’s fine, I chose this. I chose you. Or rather, my heart did. 
And you know what, you’re so vain you probably think this blog is about you.

Disclaimer: This is just some random rant.  

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