Sunday, January 2

Summers of the Past

Dear Summer,

Memories of your warm sunshines is running in my mind. How I used to enjoy you with simple smiles in the river side and gentle whisperings to the wind. When I walk down memory lane, my fondest memories of you would always be those when I was a child. My innocent grace of running around in the river, the music of my laughters as I enjoy the beach and sometimes, when the rain falls, is a beautiful picture of me dancing in the rain. 

Oh Summer, you have come and gone for me. I would never enjoy you the way I used to when I was still ten. For the coming summers of my life, would be different. I'd probably find other ways to enjoy you, I hope by that time, I'd enjoy you with someone. 

I'm here again, staring at the rain and nostalgia fills me as I wish for a sweet sunshine amidst the cold wind. I would always remember you and how I used to be. You'd always be the one I shared all my craziness. 

The summers of my past is a picture, a memory that will be safe in my heart, forever. 

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