Thursday, August 25

Boredom finally setting in

Wow, it's been very long since the last time I blogged. I don't even know why its taken me this long. I have so many things to blog about but I tend to get very lazy and ending up not blogging about.

I am honestly bored already. A few months of vacation is nice but its finally sinking in. I need to get a job, not because I need the money but because I need to be out there. I'm so freaking bored. For some reason, I feel that my confidence is slowly wavering and its probably one of the reasons why it takes me so long to send a resume. Anyway, I finally got the courage and sent my first resume today. I really hope that I get an interview.

For the mean time, I'm currently working online. But writing with my laptop and not having a proper place to do my work is not really good. I tend to segue and watch TV or just browse through the net.

Oh well, hopefully I could go back and write my list blogs. I'm so excited to write my list blogs about music and movies.

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