Saturday, May 22

Ormoc with Best Friends

A few days ago, I posted something about how I miss my best friends. I thought I had to do something about it. I miss them and their mere presence is enough comfort to know that they're still there for me. So I decided to invite three of my best friends out. 

We went to a place called Sala Lounge + Cafe'. It's a room to rent where there are amenities such as karaoke, PS3, computer with Internet or wifi, and a guitar. The place is owned by a family friend. The first time I went there, I was really impress with the place. With only P100, you can enjoy all those things! Oh and I forgot to mention there are also Archie comics to read and movies to watch. The food is great and are very affordable, and I mean it. I thought of sharing the great experience with my best friends.

Sala Lounge + Cafe'

We went there for around two hours singing our hearts out. One of my best friend brought her girl friend, who is also a very close friend of mine. Together the five us had fun. 

The couple however had to go somewhere so three of us were left. After much singing, bleeding ears, laughing, teasing and a lot of shouting, we decided to go somewhere. We didn't have any destination. We just went where our feet dragged us. We ended up in Centrum, a mini mall here. 

 Inside Bebida's

 We then ate what is called "mud pie", a pie that has chocolate on it. Delicious!! After much walking around the mall and going in the rest room to fix our hair, we decided to go to a place called Bebida's, which by the way is still inside the mall. The reason, they wanted to eat ice cream. Bebida's is a coffee shop but is widely known as  a "drinking" place. We stayed there for awhile talking about movies. After much spoiling of movies I haven't seen and arguing which is which, we decided to take off.

We were about to go home when I suggested to go to our plaza here. We wanted to see the sunset but we didn't make it. The sun has set already but the sky was still blue. The trip became a photo shoot for me and Odessa. =D

As you can see, Jude became our model. ^_^

It was fun with you guys. Let's do this again in the future. I'm missing you already. ^_^


Anonymous said...

nice layout yang.. glad you were able to spend time with your buddies. not having much luck there this summer.. hehe

DonyaMayang said...

Thanks gab. You're moving right? I read it on twitter. That's probably why. hehe.
I miss you. I'm missing all the girls. =D