Tuesday, January 25

The Hunt for Love

It is a difficult path but I survived it. I can't remember the moment I decided to search for it, to hunt for it and to feel it. 

I was a love hunter and will always will be. I hunted love and what it has to offer to me. I walked the path of woman who fell in love easily, not just romantically, but with anything that love has to offer. It was probably because of the "puppy love," I had when I was in high school or the early years of my college life that left me "heart broken." Being in a sulky place as being "heart broken," I knew I needed to go on for the search of what they called true love. I thought to myself that maybe when I found this love, I would be complete. I thought, I needed to find this love that could fill the empty part of my life, the hole in my heart. I didn't know what I was searching for. 

I started going on from one place to another, crossing roads I've never dreamed of, until finally, I found it. I found what I have been looking for. How stupid was I not to notice it? It has been with me all this time and I haven't even tried to ask myself. 

When I found the love I was searching for, I kept it to myself. I was happy with what I have. I don't know why I kept it until now. Was I ashamed? I don't know. All I knew was I wanted to enjoy the moment I was having, feeling the true bliss of what this love has to offer me. It was then that I started seeing things in a different light. 

The love that I had found was the love that filled not only my heart, but my soul as well. I found the love that God had to offered me and the love I had to offer Him. The truth is, I'm not a Jesus Freak (sorry for the term) nor am I a the "Praise the Lord," type. I don't understand what I am, I can't put myself in the map of people who claim to Christians, for sometimes, I disagree with them. I can't put myself in the map of people who claim to be holy, for I know that I'm not. I cannot claim anything, but I can claim everything because of the Lord. 

I am secure with the relationship that I have with the Lord. I praise him, glorify him and talk to him in my own little ways. Sometimes, I forget to really talk to him, but never had I forgotten to thank him. Before I go to bed, I always say, 'Thank You Lord,' and I know He understands what I mean by it. 

I have always been an optimistic person, always, way before I really had a relationship with the Lord. But now that I have something with the Lord, my optimism is different. This is because, my positive outlooks in life has an added character, and that is the Lord. I have prayed to him, even when I haven't found this love and he gave me things, even when I didn't acknowledged it was his work. What more now? What more now that I have acknowledged him? What more now that I knew he'll give me the things that I desire in the right time?

Yes, the Lord has been so giving to me. The small bumps that I faced always seemed so small compared to the victories that he has given me. Oh yes, I had my fair share of tears. Some I say to the world, some I carry silently and emotionally. Some I let him do the work but often times, I do the work and ask for his guiding hand.

If you go and hunt for love, you will eventually find it and when you do find it, you'll realize it has always been there. The adventure is just something the Lord spiced up for us, but his love has always been there, all it really needed was a little less talk and a little more reflection.

I know, when you look at me, you can't tell, I don't claim to be anything. I will make mistakes and will make great sins. My mouth may not be the purest and my thoughts maybe full of sins sometimes. My heart may carry hate and anger sometimes. I may desire flesh over divinity. 

But let me tell you this, at the end of the day, I have a home to go running to. I have a home in the Lord's heart and I will always make up for the sins that I have done. I know that he will always save me. I have a home, how about you?

The Lord never left you, so smile, listen to yourself and you'll hear him whispering to your soul. 

May the Lord bless you. :D

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