Wednesday, February 2

The Blue Valentine

Its February already and everyone knows that February is popularly known for Valentines! Yes, its almost that time of the year again. For couples, its the time to remind each other the love that they have. For singles, its the time to remind them that they are free from obligation and are actually happy. For those who loves someone secretly, its the time to express. Oh yes, the time of the year where Cupid is seen everywhere and hearts are decorated in restaurants. Roses, tulips and chocolates will be everywhere. 

But this post isn't about Valentines itself, it just so happened that the title of the film I fell in love with is Blue Valentine. I just can't put it into words, everything about Blue Valentine is BEAUTIFUL! The acting, the cinematography, the arrangement, it's breath taking. 

Blue Valentine is a story about a couple, Dean Pereira (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy Heller (Michelle Williams), and the falling apart of their marriage. The film is set into two storyline between their courtship and how their lives turned out. (That's all I'm going to say)

The contrasting images and story of the movie makes this film unique and unforgettable. The ironic scene between their first kiss as a couple and their last kiss as a couple at the ending is heartbreaking. On one side, the film tells the story of a young couple falling in love, thinking that they can overcome whatever the world has for them. On another, it tells about two people who loves each other but has become estranged from each other. 

Yes, it is a love story, a tragic one. The film portrays a very realistic approach on marriage and the dramas before, during and after it. The drama elements given by this film will leave you, if not crying, teary-eyed. I love the film and everything about it. The script was amazing, the shots, how it was directed, just everything. Most of all, I loved how the actors portrayed their roles.

Gosling and Williams deserved every nomination they had for the film. I'm just sad that only Williams was given a nod by the Academy Award. I think that Gosling should win every  best actor award there it. Gosling portraying the drunk and emotional husband is amazing and every time he cries in this film, you just want to cry with him. He perfectly portrayed two very different characters for the role. A drunk husband and a loving husband at the same time. This is probably the best of Williams. Her portrayal as a mother and worn out wife is simply flawless. 

This movie took me surprisingly. Although I've read great reviews about it, I didn't know what I was expecting until I've seen the film. With all the films I've watched recently, this one is refreshing to see. The perfect blending of romance and drama, the flawless acting, the amazing direction from Derek Cianfrance made me gave this film 5 stars

Another thing about this film, snapshots of when Dean and Cindy were still a young couple was shown during the film's credits. Just made the last scene more emotional.

I hope that everyone watches this film, it's amazing and a kick for reality. As what Gosling said in an interview, "This film shows what happens when people think love is enough."

Here are some quotes from the film that I love.

"I feel that men are more romantic than women. When we get married, we marry like one girl. Coz we're resistant the whole way until we meet one girl and we think, "I'll be an idiot if I didn't marry this girl coz she's so great. But seems that girls get to a place, they just picked the best option or something ... I mean they spend their whole lives looking for Prince Charming and then they marry the guy that's got a good job and who'll stick around." -Dean

"Look, I am done, I'm done with this, I'm done being angry like this, I'm done being you drunk like this, I am done!" -Cindy

"I'm so out of love for you, I've got nothing left for you, nothing, nothing." - Cindy

"Don't say stuff you can't take back." -Dean

"You made a promise to me, you said for better or for worse, you said that, you said it. It was a promise. Now this is my worse, ok this is my worse. But I'm gonna get better. You just gotta give me a chance to get better." -Dean

Official Trailer

Sunday, January 30

Sisters' Night Out

It has been a long and short day at the same time. Me and my sister had our sisters' night out again. But this night out doesn't usually have the parties, the club or the dancing. The plan is to eat good food, chill somewhere and relax. That's our night out.

We always do this in Ayala, just for fun and for catching up with each other. I must say that when we were younger, we couldn't stand each other. So having this night outs with her is helping our relationship. She could talk to me and I could talk to her. By the way, the sister I'm talking about is my younger one, our youngest actually, my twin, Faye. :)

Tonight was different. We usually enjoy dinner, but I didn't enjoy mine. That's it, I'm not going back to Sbarro, sorry for those people who pretends to like Italian food. I didn't enjoy my pizza, well, I actually did, at first. But then the cheese got really cheesy, with no taste! I must say that it has a really different taste. I can't remember when the last time I ate at Sbarro until now. 

Because I didn't enjoy my dinner, didn't finished it actually, I told my sister I wanted to go to Jollibee and eat their Filipino style spaghetti. When we got out, I realized my stomach has food in it already and I can't really full myself up. So I told her we'd just go to a desert place. We decided to go to Patisserie, but then, we found out that their cakes got expensive-r the last time we were there. So we decided to go to Tablea, in Cybergate, but then we stopped by at Bread Talk and found our favorite bread there. We went it and bought it before moving our way to the taxi line. When we got to the taxi line, oh what a line it was. So we decided to just stay at the stairs while eating our bread. We decided to go back to the mall and do some Timezone. 

We lost our way in FullyBooked. We never made it to Timezone. We spent almost an hour in FullyBooked, just scheming through the titles of the books and talking about how much we wanted to read everything. Oh, if we only had the luxury to buy books. But we didn't. Then we went to the Graphic Novels area, where, there was a cute guy who couldn't stop talking about Spiderman and all. I shrieked when I saw a Sandman Graphic Novel and told my sister I wanted her to buy it for me. The cute guy looked at me and told his friends, something like, "this girl reads Sandman, awesome!" Nice, right!? I mean, how many people do I know who actually knows Sandman?? HAHAHA. 5 people at most. And it is really ashamed that most people don't know about the awesome Sandman by Neil Gaiman. 

So anyway, when we finally got tired we thought of ordering something at Bo's Coffee, but we were really tired and just decided to go home. Then my sister told me she wanted to copy some movies. So off to go to the boarding house (Red Gate). It took us around an hour for all the movies to be copied. 

I was just rolling in bed when a thought came in and told my sister excitedly, "let's have a massage!" She was happy to agree. Off we went to Nua Thai, good thing its really close here. An hour of back massage! YUM! and I mean it. I'm in a good mood because of it. :)

That was the story of today's Sisters' Night Out! I'm excited for the next one.