Tuesday, November 13

Fitness Buff??

I was never skinny and the truth is, I never dreamt to be one. I have attempted losing weight a lot of times, but none of them really worked. I think because I lack determination. 

Last Saturday, I enrolled myself in the gym. I was about to make an excuse to a friend who suggested it, but I told myself that I need to do this. And before I changed my mind, I told my friend that I will be seeing her in the gym that day. And so, the journey starts. 

I will not promise that this will last, because honestly, I am not yet ready to make that commitment to myself. I know, why am I doing this if I can't even commit it, right? But c'mon, I work 10 hrs a day, I barely have time to relax at home and I often sleep early because I have to work again early the next day. That is my routine. 

Today was my first time to go to the gym from work. I told myself that I had to bring my gym clothes and things to work with me, because if I don't, then I will never be able to go to the gym. If I have decided to go home before going to the gym, that would have been the end of it. There are too many temptations at home, there is the laptop, the bed, the bed, the bed. You know what I mean. So far, it was okay but it really is tiring. I am still trying to figure things on how this will work out. I am hopeful to keep this lifestyle. I intend to do it on a long term basis. 

My diet? I don't have a specific diet yet. I try not to eat pork anymore and not eating much for dinner. I am keeping a food diary where I can write what I ate. Studies show that people who keep food diaries are more likely to lose weight. So this is a start. Why I don't have a diet yet? Again, I work 10 hours a day, I don't know where I can insert my dinner and I really have no idea what to eat before going to the gym. I don't want to eat just anything. I want to eat light, but I always think that I might passed out in the gym. So yeah, I need to research this. Trial and error is the key. So my diet needs to be more specific and more planned. I hope to do a diet plan for myself in a month's time. Quite long, I know, but like I said, I'm still trying to work things out and understanding everything. I don't want to jump in another diet wagon just because it worked on Kate Middleton or Britney Spears. I need research, hello!

Why am I doing this? For my health. I want to be more fit. I want to be able to run 3kms without hurting myself. I want to be able to go into a crowd without having my anxiety attacks. But let's not kid each other, why of course I want to fit in small sizes. Of course, I want to look good. Of course I want to be 50lbs lighter. Of course, these are just some reasons. I will not lie, other than health purposes, I also want to look good for myself. The confidence that I will have! Imagine!

Let's stay fit everyone! 

Monday, November 12

Admit it

Everybody wants to be loved. I want to be loved. But just because you want it, doesn't mean you get it. Sometimes, you need to wait. You get lonely sometimes, admit it. However, at the end of the day, you smile because you know good things comes to those who wait.

Some things aren't meant to be in this world. You get your heart broken, admit it, you get bitter and sour about it. But if you believe in meant to bes then you have to believe in not meant to bes too. Close your eyes, you are where you are now because of what you have done in the past. If you want to push forward, move on, let go, swim over the water and burn the bridge down. Don't ever look back. Just continue walking, and someday, when you do look back, you can smile because you know, you have moved on. 

Made a mistake? Apologize for it. Apologize to the one you hurt and forgive yourself for it. It is not easy to forgive, and that is why forgiveness is a gift for the strong. Owe up to your mistake, stand up, sincerely say sorry. Move on. Learn from it. Don't let it happen again. But c'mon, admit it, it will happen again, not because we didn't learn from it, but sometimes, life just throw us a curve ball.

Thinking of going to the beach? Go and enjoy the sea breeze. Relax, reflect and be happy at the beach. Water is a mysterious element, it is very destructive, but it is also the element of peacefulness and serenity. Learn to love water. Relax in it, go swim in it, know it and let it take over you. Let's admit it, who doesn't love going to the beach?

Confuse with life? Get confuse. Nothing is wrong with not knowing what to do. The important thing is you don't go astray. Know what is right and wrong, stick to the right because it will lead you to the right path. Let yourself be lost, because in order to find yourself, you have to be lost first. Admit it, being lost can be quite fun too.

Let yourself go once in a while. Have fun, but always know that it has limitation. Excess but in control, remember that. Just admit everything to yourself, don't deny any emotions. Be sad if you're sad. Be happy if you feel happy. Be lonely if you have to. Remember, it is these emotions that makes us human.