Friday, July 22

Long Live the 5th Column!

I am currently watching the sci-fi TV show V. I am loving this series! I can't get enough of it and you don't know how disappointed I was when I found out that it got cancelled! Really?? Why does good shows have to be cancel? 

Anyway, because of V, I'm thinking of watching more sci-fi shows with similar story lines. In the show, V stands for the Visitors, a humanoid alien that has arrived to Earth and claims that they are stranded and would only need some small amount of minerals, enough for them to go back to their home planet. In return, they would share their technology to human kind. But a group of people lead by FBI Agent Evans, learned that the Vs are here to stay for purposes they are yet to know. And, the Vs aren't what they claim to be, they have human skin but deep inside they're true form is reptile-like. 

There are other people who are against the plan of Anna, the Queen and high commander of the Vs. One particular V, John May, was the first to abandon the Vs. He developed human emotions and even married a human. As the story goes, there are other Vs who have developed human emotion and cannot be controlled by Anna anymore. 

The group of humans and Vs who are fighting together against Anna is called the 5th Column. Thus the title of this blog. I myself is a self-proclaimed member of the 5th Column, geeky right? Hahaha. But I am a geek. I love these kinds of Sci-Fi. I'm even thinking of watching Star Trek, and yes I am a Star Wars fan!

While everyone is sucking it up over the end of Harry Potter, I had a good thing to distract me from it. Yes, I haven't seen it yet, but I will soon, and V comforts me and distract me from thinking over the awesomeness of the HP 7.2. 

I recommend this show to everyone. John May lives! Long live the 5th Column.!